OREANDA-NEWS  Russian athletes may face a number of difficulties at the Olympics in Paris, she warned in a conversation with Lenta. Svetlana Zhurova pointed out, in particular, a number of organizational issues that may complicate the participation of athletes in competitions.

"Judoists and wrestlers refused to go to the Olympics. They waited until the last moment, but still refused, because they were used to traveling as a team. And this time, neither coaches, doctors, nor massage therapists will be allowed in. Previously, even in a neutral status, the Olympic Committee headquarters worked on our behalf. He agreed on all organizational issues, and now individual athletes, apparently, have to organize everything for themselves," Zhurova said.

According to her, even how Russians will get to Paris raises questions: there are no direct flights to France now, visas and transfers are needed. Previously, athletes did not need a visa, but now the situation is becoming more and more confusing.

"And who will accompany the Russians to the Olympic village? To draw lots? To apply for competitions? Previously, staff members were engaged in all this, now such moments are unclear," the deputy concluded.

Earlier, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) included 15 athletes in the final list of Russians participating in the 2024 Summer Games in Paris. Seven tennis players, a trampoline jumper, a swimmer, three cyclists and three kayak and canoe rowers are allowed to participate in the Games.