OREANDA-NEWS  Russian Russian Finance Ministry has proposed a list of tax changes that will expand the capabilities of companies when moving to "Russian offshore" on the islands of Oktyabrsky and Russky. The document was developed as amendments to the draft law on tax benefits for residents of special administrative districts (SARov), previously introduced by a group of senators and adopted in the first reading in May. RBC has read the text of the amendments.

The document was reviewed at the site of the government office, a source close to the Cabinet of Ministers told RBC. RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Finance.

The amendments proposed by the Ministry can be divided into two groups. The first clarifies the procedure for obtaining the status of an international holding company (MHC) in order to obtain preferences of the CAP regime. The second one establishes new tax benefits for residents with the status of MHC. In particular, the range of organizations eligible for exemption from property tax located abroad, as well as the application of a zero income tax rate on dividends from foreign organizations, is expanding.