OREANDA-NEWS The Russian government has allocated 750 million rubles for the development of information systems of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The corresponding order was signed on August 28 and posted on the official portal of legal information.

According to the document, 40 million rubles are intended for the development of a system for providing public services in electronic form, 180 million rubles for the development of an information system in the field of seed farming, 30 million rubles for the development of a federal state information system for operational monitoring and assessment of the state and risks of scientific and technical support for agricultural development, 500 million rubles - for the development of a comprehensive information system for the collection and processing of accounting and specialized reports of agricultural producers, the formation of summary reports, monitoring, accounting, control and analysis of subsidies aimed at supporting agriculture.

As reported, the law on the creation of the state information system for digital services of the agro-industrial complex (ICS of the agro-industrial complex) was adopted in 2021. The Ministry of Agriculture or, by its decision, a federal government agency subordinate to it was determined to be the operator of the system. It was assumed that the system would start working on January 1, 2025, then the deadline was postponed to March 1, 2026. In July of this year, a law was passed that allows the Ministry of Finance to begin creating a state agricultural information system for the Ministry of Agriculture from September 1, 2024.