OREANDA-NEWS The shares of the Turkish company Anadolu Efes fell by 9.98 percent amid Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to transfer shares of its Russian business to external management. This is reported by Bloomberg.

As follows from the decree of the Russian leader, the shares in the brewing company AB InBev Efes were transferred to the temporary management of the GC "Together". The collapse in the value of Anadolu Efes shares began at about 17:20 Moscow time and stopped with the closing of the stock exchange at 18:00.

The Russian AB InBev Efes appeared in 2018 after the merger of the Belgian concern AB InBev and the Turkish Anadolu Efes. In August 2024, the Russian authorities did not allow Anadolu Efes to buy the share of the world's largest beer producer, the Belgian AB InBev, in their joint Russian business.