OREANDA-NEWS The Moscow Stock Exchange organized a discrete auction for shares of the Segezha timber holding, the reason for which was a drop in their value by more than 21 percent, according to the site's website.

They indicated that from 13:18 to 13:48, trades are held in this format because there was a decrease of 20 percent or more for 10 consecutive minutes of the current share price from the closing price of the previous trading day — from 1.7 to 1.342 rubles.

Segezha's securities collapsed after the publication of the company's financial report, which reported a 17 percent reduction in net loss in the second quarter, to 4.3 billion rubles.

According to T-Investments, the financial situation of the company remains difficult, including against the background of a decrease in lumber prices, which amounted to 7 percent in the reporting quarter compared to the same period in 2023. At the same time, Segezha's debt burden is such that it is "difficult for it to service, repay and refinance loans," and the management announced a decision to conduct an additional issue, the parameters of which will be known in the fall.