OREANDA-NEWS Restrictions on the use of cash in Turkey may negatively affect Russian tourists vacationing in the resort country. Problems with payment in the republic due to a new project of local authorities, in an interview with RIA Novosti, were predicted by the coordinator of the Pegas Touristik tour operator for the CIS, Orhan Sanjar.

The expert noted that the initiative has not yet entered into force, as it is only a proposal submitted for public discussion. According to Sanjar, her goal is to increase tax collections. "Discussions are underway on how such rules will be applied in sectors where the use of cash is widespread, such as tourism, and their possible impact on the industry," he added.

However, as the expert pointed out, if the changes do come into force in their current form, then tourists arriving in the republic, including Russians, may have problems with payment.

The Turkish government wants to ban the payment of purchases worth more than seven thousand lira (about 19 thousand rubles) in cash. In case of violation of this rule, buyers will have to pay a fine of at least five thousand lira (13.5 thousand rubles). If this proposal of the authorities is accepted, any purchases over seven thousand liras will need to be paid through banks, post offices and intermediary financial institutions.

Earlier it became known that Turkey began to lose its tourist attractiveness due to prices "soaring into space". Tourism expert Savash Dash said that hyperinflation in the country has provoked a significant increase in the costs of the tourism sector.