Oreanda-News Moscow Exchange (MOEX). 11.09.2023, 11:00 MSK

MOEX stock index - 3146.01 (+0.10%). Previous close - 3142.88. 

The prices of main Russian shares at the same time are:

Gazprom: 176.58 rub (0.36%)

Lukoil: 6587.00 rub (-0.57%)

Magnit: 5709.50 rub (0.09%)

MTS: 280.05 rub (-0.20%)

NLMK: 187.68 rub (0.31%)

Novatek: 1653.00 rub (0.71%)

Nornickel: 16338.00 rub (0.11%)

Polymetal:  rub ()

Polyus: 11461.50 rub (0.64%)

Rosneft: 555.45 rub (-0.45%)

Sberbank: 257.66 rub (0.77%)

Surgutneftegas: 30.63 rub (-0.18%)

Tatneft: 598.20 rub (0.45%)

Tinkoff Bank: 3537.00 rub (1.26%)

Yandex: 2571.60 rub (0.94%)


(*) - change towards the previous trade day close