OREANDA-NEWS  Russians can take loans in yuan at a lower rate than in rubles, but the volatility of exchange rates can negate all the benefits, and in the future, if the ruble exchange rate falls, such a loan will cost more. Dmitry Pyanov, the first deputy chairman of VTB, warned about such a danger in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to him, most citizens receive salaries in rubles, take loans in rubles, which means they are protected from currency fluctuations. Any other currency looks more risky, allowing you to both benefit and lose funds beyond what is expected. At one time, the risks were realized when the ruble fell against the dollar in 2014.

At the same time, Pyanov expects an increase in corporate lending in yuan if individuals and legal entities increase savings in Chinese currency. However, there are no prerequisites for this yet, since under the current monetary policy, banks offer very high deposit rates, the top manager concluded.

Earlier, Bloomberg suggested that the introduction of the yuan into the Russian economy, which began due to problems in settlements using dollars and euros, could have reached its limit. The agency makes this conclusion against the background of the shortage of Chinese currency in Russia over the past six months, which the banks of the People's Republic of China are in no hurry to satisfy. At the same time, the Bank of Russia does not expect yuan trading to stop on the Moscow Exchange after the expiration of the license to complete operations with the site, which the US Treasury issued before August 13.