OREANDA-NEWS  Hundreds of crocodiles have climbed right onto the streets of Mexican cities. The Associated Press writes about the causes of the invasion of dangerous reptiles.

Since the end of June, according to local authorities, at least 200 large crocodiles have been captured in cities in the north of Tamaulipas State. They were returned to reservoirs outside the settlements.

Such animal activity was caused by heavy rains that swept Mexico along with Hurricane Beryl and the preceding storm Alberto. Due to bad weather, many rivers and reservoirs overflowed their banks. By the beginning of this week, the hurricane had reached the southern part of the country. "Recent rains have raised the water level in the lagoons, which has led to an increase in crocodile sightings," said Karina Lizet Saldivar, head of the Tamaulipas State Department of the Environment. These are not the last reports of a meeting of predators in the city, the department is confident — the water level in the drainage channels has just begun to decrease.

Earlier it became known about a new threat to the life of unique Cuban crocodiles. A crocodile farm was attacked by hungry street cats.