OREANDA-NEWS  Gazprom PJSC announced the acquisition of indirect control over PJSC Territorial Generating Company No. 2 (PJSC TGC-2).

According to PJSC, the "granddaughter" of the parent company and a subsidiary of Gazprom Energoholding LLC – PJSC Tsentrenergoholding – carries out trust management of shares amounting to 83.42%.

As follows from the essential fact of Gazprom, the conclusion of the trust management agreement took place on October 10.

Earlier it was reported that the original agreement was concluded before June 30, 2025 and does not provide for remuneration and compensation for expenses incurred by the manager. Also, by the end of April 2025, the GEH must submit a financial recovery plan for TGC-2 PJSC and proposals to the government on further ways to dispose of shares.

In the summer of 2023, the Leninsky Court of Yaroslavl decided to transfer TGC-2 shares to the income of the Russian Federation. In particular, more than 9.5% of shares owned by Kores, 27% - Debt Agency LLC, over 14.5% - Janan Holdings Ltd., 1.5% - Litim Trading Ltd., almost 7.3% - Raltaka Enterprises Ltd., more than 23.59% - Kostroma Kogeneratsiya Ltd.

TGC-2 includes 12 thermal power plants, 30 boiler houses and 4 enterprises of thermal networks. Its assets are located in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod and Yaroslavl regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in Northern Macedonia. The installed capacity of the company's power plants is 2.45 GW, the thermal capacity is 8.8 thousand. Gcal/h.