OREANDA-NEWS  The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) has opened a case against Alfa-bank on grounds of violation of the law in advertising a debit card, the press service of the department reported on the Telegram channel.

"The FAS of Russia has opened a case against Alfa-Bank JSC. If the organization is found guilty, it faces a fine," the message says.

The reason was the complaints of citizens about the advertising of the Alfa-Bank debit card, which was broadcast on federal TV channels and on the radio.

It is noted that the advertisement contained the following statements: "Alfa-Bank was the first in Russia to cancel all commissions for transfers and payments. Order a free Alpha debit card." At the same time, information about the limitation of such conditions was placed in an explanatory footnote for a short time in small print, inaccessible to perception.

"According to the FAS of Russia, the bank's actions may mislead consumers and contain signs of violation of the Law on Advertising," the message says.
In April and May, the FAS has already initiated several cases against the bank due to violations of the law on advertising, the claims were related to advertising of a mortgage loan and a deposit.