OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings has affirmed Amundi 3M's Fund Credit Quality Rating at 'Af' and Fund Market Risk Sensitivity Rating at 'S1'. The fund is managed by Amundi (Amundi Group, A+/Stable/F1).

The affirmation of the Fund Credit Quality Rating is driven by the high credit quality of the fund as measured by its weighted average rating factor (WARF), which is consistent with a 'Af' Fund Credit Quality Rating, and limited sensitivity to Fitch's stress testing analysis. The distribution of asset ratings and investment guidelines limiting the minimum rating to 'BBB-' (or equivalent) are additional key drivers.

The affirmation of the 'S1' Fund Market Risk Sensitivity Rating is driven by the low sensitivity of the fund to interest rate and spread risks, as reflected in its short maturity profile.


Weighted Average Credit Quality

The fund's weighted average credit quality is high. The WARF was 0.52 at end-August 2016, a level typically associated with a 'AAf' standard. However, Fitch has affirmed the 'Af' Fund Credit Quality Rating to reflect the flexibility the fund has, under its investment guidelines, to increase its allocation to lower quality or longer-dated securities.

Fitch understands from the fund that the allocation to such securities may increase, which, all else being equal, would result in a greater WARF that is more consistent with a Fund Credit Quality Rating in the 'Af' category. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of assets, typically comprising certificates of deposit, commercial paper, time deposits, as well as fixed - and floating-rate corporate bonds. It may also invest in MMFs managed by Amundi that have credit risk profiles similar to that of Amundi, based on their investment guidelines and WARF as at end-August 2016.

At end-August 2016, 74% of the fund was rated in the 'A' category or higher and the minimum credit quality of assets was 'BBB-' (less than 1%).

Under the fund's investment guidelines, concentration per issuer or counterparty is limited to no more than 10% of the fund's net assets (5% and 3% for the 'BBB+/BBB' and 'BBB-' rated categories, respectively), unless the exposure is to overnight deposits, which may account for up to 20%.

Portfolio Sensitivities to Market Risks

The fund has low exposure to interest rate and spread risks. Interest rate risk is managed within a maximum duration of six months and is typically maintained below four months. At end-August, the fund had a weighted average maturity (WAM) of 105 days and weighted average life (WAL, which measures sensitivity to spread risk) of 249 days with 80% of total assets maturing within one year. This resulted in a market risk factor well within the 'S1' Fund Market Risk Sensitivity Rating range.

Maturity of investments is limited to 397 days and two years for fixed - and floating-rate instruments, respectively. The fund does not use leverage. It may invest in non-euros denominated securities (up to 30%), in which case currency exposure is fully hedged through currency swaps.

Fund Profile

Amundi 3M is a French-domiciled money market fund pursuant to the UCITS regulation. As of end-August 2016, the fund's total assets stood at EUR14.7bn. Its investor base is well-diversified.

The Advisor

Amundi, the fund's investment advisor, is a global asset manager with EUR1trn of assets under management at end-June 2016, of which 68% was in money market and fixed income products. Amundi is the largest asset manager in Europe.


The ratings may be sensitive to material changes in the fund's credit quality or market risk profile. A material adverse deviation from Fitch's guidelines for any key rating driver could cause Fitch to downgrade the ratings. For example, if credit deterioration occurs such that the WARF increases beyond criteria levels for a 'Af' Fund Credit Quality Rating, the rating may be downgraded. Fitch's WARF stress testing shows that the rating is robust at the current rating level.

Potential downgrades to the Fund Market Risk Sensitivity Rating are limited in scope, given the fund's low sensitivity to interest rate and spread risks, and the fund's investment guidelines.