OREANDA-NEWS. US Dollar/Ruble and Euro/Ruble Exchange Rates and Exchange Trade Indicators.

Date Unified Trading Session
US dollar Euro
for ‘today’ settlements for ‘tomorrow’ settlements for ‘today’ settlements for ‘tomorrow’ settlements
average weighted rate (rubles/US dollar) volume (millions of US dollars) average weighted rate (rubles/US dollar) volume (millions of US dollars) average weighted rate (rubles/euro) volume (millions of euros) average weighted rate (rubles/euro) volume (millions of euros)
20/09/2016 64.8227 1,383.9730 64.8311 3,419.6150 72.5389 166.8440 72.4831 322.0550
19/09/2016 64.7628 1,156.6120 64.7146 3,406.0620 72.3788 194.3220 72.2714 244.6520
16/09/2016 64.9821 1,315.4120 65.0520 3,794.0320 72.9508 179.4600 72.8459 193.8350
15/09/2016 65.0810 1,604.9520 65.0330 4,575.8150 73.1337 166.7540 73.0843 262.0600
14/09/2016 65.0116 1,556.7670 65.0639 4,102.7730 72.9210 233.7060 73.0853 211.5050
13/09/2016 64.8098 1,179.8660 64.9664 3,795.4880 72.7300 163.6950 72.9457 328.2400