Fitch Rates Wisconsin's $598MM Appropriation Bonds 'AA-'; Outlook Stable
--$399.83 million refunding bonds of 2016, series A (taxable);
--$198.3 million refunding bonds of 2016, series B (taxable).
The bonds will be sold via negotiation on or about Aug. 1, 2016.
The Rating Outlook is Stable.
The bonds are secured by annual legislative appropriations from the state's general fund.
The rating on the bonds backed by Wisconsin's lease appropriation is one notch below the state's Issuer Default Rating (IDR), reflecting the slightly higher degree of optionality associated with payment of appropriation debt. Wisconsin's 'AA' IDR recognizes its considerable resources and power to control its budget, a broad and diverse economy, and the state's low liability burden, with above-average debt levels offset by fully funded pensions. State fiscal performance in recent biennia has improved, with less reliance on one-time resources and stronger liquidity allowing it to avoid annual cash flow borrowing.
Economic Resource Base
Wisconsin benefits from a diverse economy, although there is some concentration in manufacturing. A key feature of the state's manufacturing sector is its diversity, with relatively little exposure to automotive versus most Midwestern states. The state's growth during much of the current expansion has been slow and uneven, although more recently gains have accelerated. Personal income is average, with the state in the middle of the pack relative to the U. S. Growth has trailed the nation's in most years.
Revenue Framework: 'aa' factor assessment
Wisconsin's sound revenue framework relies on broad-based taxes that have generally reflected economic performance. Future growth is expected to be in line with historical performance. Wisconsin has an unlimited ability to independently raise revenues, providing significant legal flexibility to raise operating revenues as needed.
Expenditure Framework: 'aaa' factor assessment
The pace of spending growth is expected to be slightly above annual revenue growth, reflecting the primary drivers of Medicaid and education, and requiring ongoing spending control. The state benefits from low fixed carrying costs for debt and retiree benefits and has ample ability to cut spending if needed.
Long-Term Liability Burden: 'aaa' factor assessment
Long-term liabilities are low and below the U. S. state median. The state benefits from strong pension funding and a benefit structure that shares the risk of investment underperformance with beneficiaries. Other post-employment obligations are limited.
Operating Performance: 'aa' factor assessment
State fiscal performance in recent biennia has generally improved, with less reliance on one-time resources and stronger liquidity allowing it to avoid cash flow borrowing. Reserves are modest as compared to the state's operating budget although the state maintains considerable flexibility through careful spending management
The appropriation rating is sensitive to changes in the state's 'AA' IDR, to which it is linked. Wisconsin's IDR is sensitive to the maintenance of structural budgetary balance, while an increase in its resilience and ability to withstand a downturn in the economy would be positive credit factors.
The 'AA-' rating on the general fund annual appropriation bonds, one notch below the state's IDR, reflects the state's long-term general credit characteristics and centralization of the lease issuance, budgeting, and payment processes through the Department of Administration. The department is responsible for state debt management and has a long-established history of operating the program. General fund annual appropriation bonds are supported by the state's pledge of annual appropriation.