OREANDA-NEWS. RnR Market Research Offers Report by Research on ICT investment trends in Brazil; Enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2017


With an economic shrinkage in 2015, Brazil is facing a massive slowdown with weakening commodity prices and a slumping currency. This is in line with Kable's survey which illustrates that most Brazilian enterprises are decreasing their ICT budgets in 2016 in order to safeguard themselves from the economic chaos currently prevailing in the country.

Key Findings

  • Kable's survey shows that Brazilian enterprises are keen on increasing their spending on IoT solutions in 2016 in order to connect various devices within organizations, analyze large data sets, and integrate systems to streamline operations.
  • The survey also reveals that Brazilian enterprises are eagerly spending on hardware domain resulting in increased investment in networking and communications equipment, servers, and security devices.
  • Furthermore, the survey finds that enterprises in Brazil consider outsourcing as an important and feasible option in order to improve their financial position thereby increasing their focus on core enterprise operations.

ICT investment trends in Brazil presents the findings from a survey of 101 Brazilian enterprises regarding their Information and Communications Technology (ICT) investment trends. The survey investigates how Brazilian enterprises currently allocate their ICT budgets across the core areas of enterprise ICT expenditure: hardware, software, IT services, communications, and consulting. The report illustrates the core technologies that enterprises are investing in, including mobility management, IoT, green IT and virtualization, and cloud computing. The survey also highlights the approach to purchasing technology adopted by enterprises in Brazil. Through Kable's survey, the report aims to provide a better insight to ICT vendors and service providers when pitching their solutions to enterprises in Brazil.

In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following:

  • How ICT budgets are set to change in 2016 in terms of their overall size
  • Allocation across the core elements of IT spend, including hardware, software, services, communications, and consulting
  • Distribution of ICT money in areas such as the networks, applications, service desk, and data centers
  • Which ICT functions Brazilian enterprises are interested in outsourcing
  • Brazilian enterprises' investment priorities based on their budget allocations across core technology categories such as mobility management, IoT, green IT and virtualization, and cloud computing
  • Factors that are influencing Brazilian enterprises' investments in each technology category
  • How Brazilian enterprises' IT budgets are currently allocated across various segments within a technology category
  • Brazilian enterprises' distribution of their ICT budget across various segments within a technology category
  • Vendor satisfaction ratings for various core and advanced technology categories
  • Insight into Brazilian enterprises' preferred buying approaches
  • Business and IT objectives that Brazilian enterprises are looking to achieve through their IT investment strategies
  • Factors that are influencing Brazilian enterprises' decisions to select an ICT provider
Reasons To Buy
  • Understand how the Brazilian enterprises ICT landscape is set to change in 2016 to prioritize your target market
  • Comprehend how ICT money are being allocated by Brazilian enterprises in specific geographies and size bands to improve your market penetration
  • Make effective business decisions by recognizing the opportunities within each of the core areas of ICT spend (hardware, software, IT services, telecommunications, and consulting)
  • Realign your sales initiatives by understanding the current strategic objectives of Brazilian enterprises
  • Enhance your market segmentation with the included, detailed breakdown of opportunities within selected technology categories (mobility management, IoT, green IT and virtualization and cloud computing)
  • Prioritize your focus areas by understanding which factors are influencing Brazilian enterprises' decisions when selecting an ICT provider
  • Understand the changes in customers' priorities and identify the business and IT objectives that Brazilian enterprises are looking to achieve through their ICT investment strategies