Bank of Taiwan to Engage in Individually Managed Money Trust Business
1. Bank of Taiwan to engage in non-discretionary individually managed money trust business denominated in foreign currencies.
2. Financial Information Service Co. to engage in collection services and Taiwan Clearing House to engage in debit authorization in foreign currencies.
3. Authorized banks to provide online transfer setting of foreign deposit account for customers to engage in foreign exchange settlement against the New Taiwan dollar without visiting a banking enterprise in person.
4. Taiwan Stock Exchange to engage in listing and matching of ETF denominated in foreign currencies.
5. Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation to engage in custody and book-entry transfer of foreign currency (including RMB) ETF.
6. 6 branches of 3 banks to operate foreign exchange business. As of the end of May 2016, there were 3,418 authorized banks, including 3,378 domestic banks, 3 Mainland banks and 37 foreign banks.