OREANDA-NEWS 4.5 trillion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the new federal project "Modernization of municipal infrastructure" until 2030, said Irek Fayzullin, head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the government on Thursday. During the meeting, Putin asked Fayzullin about the amount of funding for the new federal project "Modernization of municipal infrastructure" until 2030.

"The total amount of funding from all sources, Vladimir Vladimirovich, you have set a target of 4.5 trillion," Fayzullin replied.

Putin called the modernization of drinking water facilities a very important element of the new federal project and asked the minister to keep this under special control.

"We know that the issue of drinking water supply is particularly acute in some regions of the country," the president concluded.