OREANDA-NEWS. Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Board by its decision of December 9, 2008 approved additions and changes # 17 into the KASE internal document "Regulations of Trades and Confirmation System Operation", reported the press-centre of KASE.

The mentioned amendments will become effective from December 25, 2008.

In compliance with the mentioned amendments in order to avoid manipulation deals was changed the algorithm of Frankfurt trades closing, executed at transition of trades into the standby mode, and namely that:

- if the standby mode duration, determined based on its minimum duration   and the admissible extension time, makes up from 11 to 18 minutes, the standby mode expires precisely in compliance with this duration;

- if the standby mode duration, determined based on its minimum duration and the admissible extension time, makes up from 18 to 20 minutes, the standby mode expires within the mentioned time period at the random moment of time, determined by the trading system automatically by the random number generation method.

In addition, the mentioned amendments are editorial.