RTS Defined Settlement Prices for March Futures
OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 March 2008 was announced, that the settlement price for futures contract on RTS Index made up 206534 points. This indicator is calculated from the average RTS Index value for the last trading hour. On March 14th it stood at 2065,34 points. Execution of March futures will take place on March 17th, 2008. Settlement volume will make up 116 958 contracts or 11 446 179 210,98 rubles.
Besides this, there was defined the settlement price for March futures on RTS Index – Oil & Gas and RTS Index – Consumer & Retail.
Settlement price for futures contract on RTS Index - Oil & Gas made up 256,74 points. This indicator is calculated from the average RTS oil and gas Index value for the last trading hour. On March 14th, 2008 it made up 256,74 points.
Execution of futures on RTS oil and gas Index will take place on March 17th, 2008. Settlement volume will make up 54 608 contracts or 664 337 640,52 rubles.
Settlement price for futures contract on RTS Index – Consumer & Retail made up 347,8 points. This indicator is calculated from the average RTS consumer and retail Index value for the last trading hour. On March 14th, 2008 it made up 347,8 points.
Execution of futures on RTS consumer and retail Index will take place on March 17th, 2008. Settlement volume will make up 182 contracts or 2 999 438,88 rubles.
Derivatives market of RTS – FORTS is a leading trading ground for futures and options in Russia. Trading on FORTS started in September 2001. At present FORTS has the widest range of instruments in Russia. These are 64 contracts (45 futures and 19 options) on shares of Russian companies, bonds, short interest rates, currency, RTS Index, oil, silver, gas, oil, sugar and gold.
Trading volume on FORTS in 2007 grew threefold and reached 297.41 bln dollars or 144.9 million contracts . Compared with 2006 the number of trades increased more than twofold and reached 11.7mln. Total open interest at the end of the year equalled 14.7 bln rubles in cash or 3.2 million contracts. FORTS also saw a record day’s trading in 2007 when the value of all contracts traded reached 5.2 bln dollars on December 13th, 2007.