07.11.2007, 19:34
Chelyabinsk Zinc to See Its Shares on RTS Soon
OREANDA-NEWS. Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (LSE: CHZN, RTS: CHZN), the leading Russian producer of premium quality zinc and zinc alloys, had been notified by the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM) that the Report on the results of the share offering with respect to the additional shares (48,775,869 shares with a par value of 1 ruble each, state Registration No. 1-01-45040-D-004D) was registered by FSFM on November 1, 2007, the plant's press service announced. Shortly after the obtaining by the company the hardcopy of the Report from FSFM, relevant additional shares will be listed for trading on the Russian stock exchange (RTS) and included in the company's capitalization.